Serving the Twin Cities Communities since 1948
Since 1948, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Delta Phi Omega Chapter members have provided many high quality program services, cultural activities, scholarships and community leadership to the Twin Cities of Greater Minneapolis and Greater St. Paul, Minnesota. We are an accomplished group of college-trained women who represent the inter-generational strength, career and educational diversity, cultural diversity, camaraderie, and sisterhood that continues to honor the goals and purposes our Founders set forward in 1908.
Prospective Members
Candidacy for membership into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® graduate chapters is open to women of high ethical and scholastic standards who have attained at least a baccalaureate degree with a cumulative average of at least C+ or a graduate or professional degree from an accredited senior college or university, and who have some definite contribution to make to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Graduate membership is by invitation only and may not be solicited. Please refer to the Alpha Kappa Alpha International Website for additional information.
Reactivating Members
We encourage sisterly participation and welcome returning members. Those interested in reactivating can access reactivation information on Alpha Kappa Alpha's International Website Reactivation Page. Our Membership Chairman is available to assist in the reactivation process, by providing official sorority documentation and information on chapter dues, which vary depending on individual membership status. The completed Reactivation Form can be brought to a chapter meeting.
Transferring Members
Members who wish to transfer from undergraduate, other graduate chapters, or from General Membership are also welcome to join us at chapter meetings, which are exclusive to members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. or our community service events, which are open to the public. In order to complete the transfer process, the President or Treasurer of the previous chapter in which you were affiliated must complete the Transfer Verification Form. Members wishing to transfer from General Member to Chapter Member must obtain clearance from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office. Our Membership Chairman is available to assist in the transfer process.
Do not hesitate to contact our Membership Chairman for information about membership and visiting chapter meetings.